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Why stop at just 5 towels? Download this PDF and weave 5 more towels designed by Malynda Allen to coordinate with her Rosebud Trellis Fingertip Towels from Handwoven March/April 2023.
Take a trip down memory lane with these new WIFs in the Handwoven Library.
Tom Knisely is a master rug-weaver, and he has lots of insights to share. Learn how to weave a rug with Tom, with a focus on good technique and materials.
When you are weaving only two picks of a color, hiding the ends can be, shall we say, tricky?
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Download this PDF of Janney Simpson’s 8-shaft deflected doubleweave scarf with shifting layers, pockets, and connections.
Need a new technique for your weaving tool box? Check out this video clip!
If cutting into handwoven cloth makes you break out in a sweat, read about these simple but fun projects that are stress free!
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Imitation is a form of flattery, and in weaving it pops up all the time.
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Download this PDF of Nancy Peck’s scarf pattern written for 4-shaft looms.