
Wrangling 5 Shafts From A 4-shaft Loom

Ever wonder about those 5-shaft drafts you see from time to time? Here's an interesting idea about how they were woven.

Readers’ Submissions Are the Core of Handwoven

Download Handwoven’s submission guidelines for articles and projects.

Want to Write for Handwoven? Here’s How!

Do you have an idea for a Handwoven article but don’t know where to start? Here’s a guide to proposing and submitting articles to Handwoven that should help you out.

Like Disappearing Ink

Here’s the story of how Linda’s son got lost in Tunis and discovered a not-quite-magical cloak.

Experimenting with Raffia on a Rigid-Heddle Loom

I've wanted to weave with raffia for a long time and the new kind of raffia that is on the market now seems perfect for placemats.

BeWeave It: A Brief History of Harvesting Spider Silk

If you've ever looked at a spider's web and wondered what it would be like to weave with that beautiful, fine thread, you're not alone!

Take Some Baby Steps Out Of Your Warping Comfort Zone

You may have some tried and true methods of tying on that you are comfortable with, but here are some that I use that you may want to consider.

Untangled: A Crafty Sheep’s Guide to Tapestry Weaving

Rebecca Mezoff's little tapestry book, Untangled might be just what you need to get your tapestry weaving on track.

Hearts 'n Bones: The Perfect Scarf for Skeleton Season

October is the start of skeleton season! Why not weave up a Hearts 'n Bones scarf to celebrate?

When Weaving Plans Take a Detour

Sometimes better things happen when you have to change your plans.