We've been anxiously awaiting the announcement of the color of the year, and we couldn't be more intrigued by the possibilities.
You never know where weaving nor friendships might take you. Read about a collaboration between two friends that became something more than just one project.
Drawdowns show threads at right angles, but many times threads deflect during wet-finishing. Read what Susannah figured out about how to predict deflection.
Thanks to Marion Powell we now think of shadow weave as a block weave that can be designed using profile drafts. Madelyn explains.
Finishing projects doesn't have the same appeal to many of us as starting projects. Here are some tips from Tom Knisely that may change your attitude towards finishing.
Learn about the latest and greatest weaving books with Handwoven's Media Picks department. Here's what we reviewed for the September/October 2021 issue.
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Download this pdf that walks you through the structures and projects found in Handwoven November/December 2021 and explains the cause of their threads' deflection.
I love refreshing my understanding of different weaving concepts so downloadable courses such as Introduction to Shadow Weave are perfect for me.
The Hartford Artisan Center's mission is to "Enrich lives through weaving" which they do by focusing on weavers with little to no sight as well as seniors.
Kathy read the latest Handwoven cover to cover; read what she has to say about it.