
Why We Love Fair Trade

As a weaver, I understand more than ever how important fair trade is to keeping textile traditions alive around the world.

What Is Indigo and Why Is It in the Color Wheel?

What is indigo, and why is it part of the color wheel? Learn the history of indigo dye and why it's inclusion in the color wheel is so controversial.

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Windows and Shadows Shawl

Here is a pdf download of the pattern for this beautiful shawl by Jannie Taylor that combines spaces in the warp and weft with shadow weave to great effect.

Cleaning and Sanitizing Your Loom Safely

Wondering how to sanitize looms in a way that won’t damage the wood? Liz Moncrief has the answers.

Finishing Tips and Techniques You’ll Want to Know

I’m in favor of thoughtfully finished weaving, so two of the things I love about the Team Colors Scarves is that they each have a different finish, and each finish complements the scarf and the yarn it is woven with. In this post we offer finishing tips

How to Wind a Bobbin for Smoother Weaving

Winding a bobbin can seem like a fairly obvious task, but there are nuances about how you do it that will make your weaving go more smoothly.

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Yarn by the Numbers

There are many numbers and categories that describe yarn and fiber—30/2, eight-ply weight, DK weight, yards per pound—but what do these numbers really tell you about your own yarn and projects?

Ask Madelyn: Catching edge warp threads with two shuttles

Madelyn provides two methods for handling warp threads that aren't being caught when weaving with two shuttles.

Handwoven March/April 2023 Call for Submissions: Architectural Details

I’m hard pressed not to see weaving patterns everywhere, and I don’t think I’m alone.

It’s Happening this Spring and Summer!

Looking for some fiber stuff to do this spring and summer? Here are a few ideas.