
Long Thread Podcast: Lilly Marsh, Custom Weaver

Season 9, Episode 5: Weaving together the threads of her regional fiber network, Lilly Marsh keeps consumers—and shepherds—warm with the cloth she creates.

Woven Flow: Weaving As Meditation

Sarah has found that weaving calms her and can help her with anxiety when done intentionally. Read what she has discovered about weaving's effect on herself and others.

Long Thread Podcast: Lynda Teller Pete

Season 6, Episode 4: A fifth-generation Navajo weaver, Lynda lives in two worlds: the world of a traditional Navajo woman weaving exquisite textiles, and the world of book author, curator, board member, world traveler.

Women’s Woven Voices—Fostering Creativity, Community, and Compassion

The striking tapestry winding around the back walls of the marketplace at Convergence is the result of Brecia Kralovic-Logan’s vision and hardwork. Here she talks about her project.

Types of Weaving Looms

So, you’ve decided you want to take up weaving! The first thing you’ll need is a loom. Here are some different types of weaving looms and tips on how to choose your first loom.

Designing by Chance

Tommye McClure Scanlin writes about how she uses the help of chance to kickstart her creativity.

Long Thread Podcast: Rebecca Mezoff (classic)

Season 9, Episode 1: On making magic carpets, looms large and small, and weaving as healing

Media Picks from Handwoven Jan-Feb 2021

Read all about the recently published books The Art of Tapestry Weaving and How to Weave a Navajo Rug.

Make a Cartoon and Use It for Tapestry!

Using a cartoon for tapestry and other figurative weaving is a time-honored technique. Here's how Tommye McClure Scanlin does it.

Mary Burns: Weaver and fiber artist

Mary Burns uses a Jacquard loom to weave her pictorial pieces. As part of her work on the The Ancestral Women Exhibit she met with Tinker, a member of the Eagle Clan of Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin.