Handwoven Editors

Handwoven Corrections 2021

Oops! While we try our best to keep our projects error-free, sometimes corrections need to be made. Here are some corrections from Handwoven, 2021.

Media Picks: Woven Interiors & Handweavers' Problems for Absolute Beginners

Need inspiration or weaving instruction? Check out these two books reviewed in Handwoven September/October 2021

Handwoven Project Paperwork

Project paperwork for Handwoven and Little Looms Magazine.

Submission Guidelines

Learn the details of how to submit a project or article to Handwoven or Easy Weaving with Little Looms Here.

E.E. Gilmore: A Lifetime of Weaving

E.E. Gilmore was a weaver and loom builder whose influence continues to this day.

Handwoven Corrections 2016

Oops! While we try our best to keep our projects error-free, sometimes corrections need to be made. Here are some corrections from Handwoven, 2016.

Spotlight: A Color of History and Faith

In his new book True Colors (Thrums Books 2019), author Keith Recker interviews 28 artisans about their methods and their relationships to dyes. Here is an excerpt.

Weaving as Protest

In their new exhibit, IMPACT: Climate Change, members of Tapestry Weavers West (TWW) and Tapestry Weavers in New England (TWiNE) showcase woven works focusing on the artists’ concerns related to climate change and how it affects the natural environment.

What's Happening: Convergence 2020

Want to know more about Convergence 2020? We've got the scoop!

Egyptian Textiles on Display

While they're mostly known for their carvings and paintings, ancient Egyptians also created beautiful textiles. A selection of these gorgeous textiles are currently on display at the Textile Museum at George Washington University.

From the Library (View All)