
Why You Should (Almost) Always Hemstitch

When I first started weaving, hemstitching terrified me. Now I am a huge proponent of hemstitching, and not only when I want cute little bundles of fringe at the end of my piece.

Designing with Freeform Weaving

I am a knitter as well as a weaver, and I’ve developed a freeform weaving style that allows me to escape the constraints of knitting to create funky—and wearable—infinity scarves that use up the little bits of yarn that accumulate over time.

Random Design Thoughts about Loom Theory 2018

Random design is a fascinating concept, but well-designed is also wonderful, and a good designer can do both. We didn’t randomly choose designers for the three Loom Theory 2018 lookbooks.

Ask Madelyn: Swedish Drafting Format

I would really like to see a discussion of the best way to translate an American weaving draft into a Swedish draft. The conventions are so different, I get brain freeze trying to do it myself!

Learn the Elements of Design with Tom Knisely

Last summer, I traveled to Red Stone Glen to film a few workshops with Tom Knisely. Tom is an amazing teacher. The topic this time is: how to design your own handwoven projects.

Decluttering Your Studio

The basic premise of what is known as the KonMari method is to embrace what gives you joy and eliminate what doesn’t. This is rather easy when we’re talking about most yarns.

Singles Yarn Appreciation Day

The day after chocolate-covered Valentine’s Day comes Singles Appreciation Day, when uncoupled people celebrate or commiserate their solo status. Most yarns are also in a relationship—that is, plied.

Perfect Marriage T-Shirt Rug and Yarn Preparation

Learn how to turn old T-shirts into yarn perfect for rag weaving!

Hug Me! I Need a Conversation Heart!

Many of us grew up getting and giving little boxes of Conversation Hearts on Valentine’s Day made by the New England Confectionery Company (Necco), so it was worrisome when I learned that the Necco hearts wouldn’t be available this year.

Handwoven Editorial Calendar 2020

One of the fun things about being editor of Handwoven is coming up with the editorial calendar for the upcoming year.