
Bleach: Alchemy with Oxygen

Ever wondered how bleach works? Christina breaks down the chemical processes that help us keep our whites extra white.

Ask Madelyn: A Tale of Two Temples

The amusing result has been that some students like wooden ones and some like metal ones and now I really need two temples for each school loom.

How the Classic Book of 8-Shaft Weaving Patterns Came to Be

Behind the drafts and swatches in this one volume of 8-shaft weaving patterns lies a story of women with extraordinary dedication.

Take the Dog on the Loom for a Walk

What do you do with a dog on the loom—the weaver’s expression for a project that no longer inspires you and, even worse, one that paralyzes you from moving forward?

A Tale of Two Twills (Workshops, That Is)

Want to feel the thrill of twill? Check out Robyn’s twill workshops.

Ask Madelyn: Adjusting a Draft to Be Woven in Two Panels

Because my loom is only 36" wide, I’m thinking of weaving the blanket in two panels. What would be the best way to do this?

Create a Fingerwoven Bracelet

In her simple Fingerwoven Bracelet projects from the March/April 2019 issue of Handwoven, Carol James provides the perfect project for learning this fun technique.

Warp Once, Weave Forever: Learn How with Handwoven!

In our May/June 2019 issue of Handwoven we explore the ways you can adjust your warp to weave multiple projects, structures, or patterns.

Ask Madelyn: Floating Selvedge Tension

Floating selvedges should always be weighted. You can choose to beam the floating selvedge with the rest of the warp, or you can add it as an additional thread suspended from the back beam.