
Speed Weaving

Is weaving quickly something to strive for?

Traditions: A Joy and Pleasure to Use - Norwegian Kitchen Linens

We know a lot about Norwegian weaving that is special, but what about traditional everyday house linens?

65 Roses Scarves

Robin Wilton and Susan Du Bois put together a few different things they learned from Handwoven to design some very special scarves.

A Sunny Scarf for a Dreary Day

When the weather is gray, bring some color to your world with Elisabeth Hill’s bright and happy Grellow and Yay scarf.

Idea Gallery: Weave a Memory

Learn how Daryl Lancaster uses the Theo Moorman inlay technique to turn family photographs into handwoven heirlooms. (From Handwoven September/October 2019)

A Clever Red Ruana for Linda

A red ruana designed and woven by Linda Ligon gave Dorothy Tuthill the inspiration to design and weave her own. The result is a gorgeous nod to Linda's original.

The Intentional Weaver: How to Weave Better by Laura Fry

If you are looking for a book that will make you a better weaver, this new one by Laura Fry might do the trick.

You May Hate Your First Weaving Sampler

The word sampler brings to mind a pretty framed embroidery. My first weaving sampler was anything but pretty.

Challenge Yourself by Weaving a Project for Handwoven

Ever wondered what the process is for getting a project into Handwoven? Here are some steps to follow.

Wrangling 5 Shafts From A 4-shaft Loom

Ever wonder about those 5-shaft drafts you see from time to time? Here's an interesting idea about how they were woven.