
For Weavers Only: An Overshot Story

Overshot, with its fantastical names and wonderful patterning, is a great structure for 4-shaft weavers.

Ask Madelyn: Warping a Second Warp Beam

How do you warp a second warp beam if you’re a front-to-back warper? Madelyn has the answers!

Sampling for Sett

I thought I was sampling for color, but to my surprise, it ended up being a sample for sett.

Handwoven May/June 2020: Dedicated to Draft Geeks

The theme of drafts for the May/June 2020 issue of Handwoven was my idea. Here’s why.

Empty Looms and Silent Shuttles

Even during normal times, weaving is a solitary craft, and weavers cherish their weaving relationships. Madelyn talks about how she is spending her time alone and what she misses.

Weave Your Way Through History with Overshot

Weavers can’t get enough of overshot, and it’s easy to see why! It’s a classic structure loved by colonial and modern weavers alike!

How to Weave Our 8-Shaft Bread Bag on 4-Shafts

Want to weave Laura Demuth’s Bread Bag but have only 4 shafts? We’ve got you covered!

Challenge Yourself with the “Draft” Issue of Handwoven.

Most weavers enjoy a good challenge, and the May/June 2020 issue of Handwoven is chock full of projects resulting from weaving challenges.

Giving Back to the Navajo Nation

Currently COVID-19 is sweeping through the Navajo Nation, endangering the lives of elders including many talented artists. Fortunately, there’s much we can do to help.

Bedtime Stories with Tom Knisely

Sometime during this lockdown, my 3-year-old son developed a new obsession: Tom Knisely.