Handwoven Corrections 2020

Oops! While we try our best to keep our projects error-free, sometimes corrections need to be made. Here are some corrections from Handwoven, 2020

Handwoven Editors Mar 15, 2021 - 1 min read

Handwoven Corrections 2020 Primary Image

Judy Fox combined hand-dyed cotton yarns from Guatemala with a Marguerite Porter Davison draft to create towels that are a modern take on classic huckaback. Photo credit: George Boe

Hoosier Huck Towels by Diane Pigg, May/June 2020: The ppi is incorrect. The ppi is closer to 16 rather than 20.

Samba by Melissa Lusk with McCrystle Wood, November/December 2020: The treadling is incorrect. The proper treadling order is 1,4,2,3. A draft with the correct treadling has been added to the page with the design grids pdf download here.