
Valentine WIFs for Weavers and Eye Candy for All

On a lark, I went through past issues of Handwoven looking for project titles that were flower-inspired with the goal of adding to the WIF Library. I was surprised by what I found.

Call for Submissions: Handwoven January/February 2022 — Deep Stash

We all have stashes, but have we ever looked at them closely?

Mapping Out Your Fiber Arts Business Plan

Need help getting your business started? Deb Essen can help you develop a business plan that will lead the way.

Ask Madelyn: Blending Drafts

Madelyn advises on how to adjust 2 drafts to have the same number of ends to create a blended draft.

Reader’s Gallery—Nature and Peace

Many weavers draw from nature for inspiration, and the Reader’s Gallery weavers were no exception.

Two Shuttles, More to Love

The November/December 2015 issue of Handwoven was dedicated to two shuttle weaves. Some of our favorites to be sure!

Notes From the Fell: Tying a New Warp to an Existing One

Tying a new warp on to an existing warp can be a time saver. Here is Tom's experience.

Choosing and Using Shuttles: Double-Bobbin Boat Shuttles and End-Feed Shuttles

Learn about two shuttles that are sometimes considered more advanced, as they require finesse on the part of the weaver. You might just want to learn how to use them!

Homage to the Simple Stripe

From a white wedding dress to "blue-collar" clothing, cloth tends to reflect our cultural beliefs and values. Here's weaver and Handwoven contributor Liz Moncrief to tell you about the spotted history of stripes.

Ask Madelyn: Plain Weave and Satin

Is it possible to weave a plain-weave border around satin or sateen? Madelyn has the answer!