
Yarn Lab: Milk Fiber

Milk fiber is a relatively new fiber with a lot of potential. In her Yarn Lab in Handwoven November/December 2017 Liz Moncrief wove samples using this yarn.

Adventures in Weaving: Warp Chicken

Knitters use the expression yarn chicken when don't know if they have enough yarn to complete a project. I adapted the phrase warp chicken for weavers.

10 Insurance Tips for Crafters

Recent natural disasters have some of us in the office wondering what we’d do if it were us. Here are 10 insurance tips for crafters - take stock now!

Ask Madelyn: More on Handling Floating Selvedges

I’m trying to understand the rules regarding tabby and floating selvedges in Donna Lee Sullivan’s Weaving Overshot: Redesigning the Tradition.

Products We Love: Schacht End-delivery Shuttle

End delivery shuttles made in the USA. You gotta love em.

Weaving Around the World

It was my great pleasure to put together our last pattern pack of 2017 featuring 5 of my favorite patterns, Handwoven Presents: Weaving Around the World.

Ask Madelyn: How to Rethread Mid-Warp

How do you rethread a warp that is already on your loom? Part of the answer is preserving the cross.

This Holiday Season: Worry Less, Weave More

I swear just a minute ago October was starting and we had months—months!—until The Holiday Season. Guess how many holiday weaving projects I’ve started.

Discovering Our Roots: The History of Modern American Handweaving

In the November/December 2017 issue of Handwoven Tom Knisely travels to a little town in Michigan to learn more about his handweaving past and ends up learning about the history of modern American handweaving.

Ask Madelyn: Metric Conversion for Setts

I am wondering if it wouldn't be possible to have the Master Yarn Chart (which already reports meters per kilogram) with the sett ranges given in metric numbers (ends per centimeter)?