Susan E. Horton

Susan E. Horton


I Can Help You Write Your 2024 Weaving Resolutions!

Your crafting life can really benefit by reimagining resolutions as things you want to do.

Is Linen Stronger When It’s Wet?

I have always heard that linen is stronger wet than dry, but I started wondering about it. Is it true and if so, why?

Handwoven January/February 2024: Exploring Bast Fibers

One of the fun things about fiber-specific issues is finding out about fibers you’ve never heard of.

Why I Full Alone

Chatting about closet organization seemed like a good idea at the time until I realized I had lost track of my fabric’s fulling process.

Cutting Warps in Half

Multiple color changes in a warp can be frustrating. If your warp repeats, you may find this shortcut useful.

All Access Exclusive

Silk and Jin: A Perfect Combination

Check out Sensational Silk, a beautiful new eBook for All Access subscribers.

Call for Submissions: Handwoven September/October 2024—Anything but Twill!

Let’s jump out of our collective comfort zone and look at some of the lesser-known weave structures for this issue!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Extend your weaving career by taking care of yourself in all ways, including getting regular breast exams.

All Access Exclusive

Learn by Doing: Turned Twill and Color Effects on Eight Shafts!

I recently wrote about turned twills on four shafts. With this downloadable PDF, you can learn more about turned twills and color effects—but this time using eight shafts. Your reward? Three beautiful towels to weave!

Learn New Techniques at Weave Together with Handwoven!

Repetition is key to learning a technique, but adding new ideas and methods keeps your weaving fresh!

From the Library

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