Coming upon something great that you didn‘t expect is always fun. I was surprised at what I found on our website one day!
Having a place to start helps when planning a project. In this case, a “Yarn Lab“ gave me a head start.
In honor of Earth Day 2021, I added 10 WIFs to the WIF library from our January/February 2018 issue that was focused on earth-friendly yarns.
Let your favorite national park or museum be your inspiration for wonderful weaving.
I have heard that oxalis (sour grass) dyes yarn an intense yelllow-green color, so I decided to give it a try.
I’ve always heard weavers are patient; I think maybe instead we’re just perseverant.
For this edition of the Reader’s Gallery, I looked at scarves and shawls woven on rigid-heddle and multishaft looms.
Mulling over ideas works well for both weaving and developing editorial calendars.
On a lark, I went through past issues of Handwoven looking for project titles that were flower-inspired with the goal of adding to the WIF Library. I was surprised by what I found.
We all have stashes, but have we ever looked at them closely?