Christina Garton

Christina Garton


Using Colors Sparingly but Effectively

A clever way to play with color in weaving is to use only a few colors to create more colors in the cloth.

How to Weave with Cotton: Free Cotton-Weaving Projects and Expert Tips

Learn everything about how to weave with cotton in this FREE guide on cotton weaving that includes two weaving projects and finishing techniques.

When is a Plaid a Tartan?

Are the terms plaid and tartan just different names for the same thing? Well, it's complicated!

From Guinevere to Sally Field: A History of Wimples

When European soldiers came back from the Crusades they brought back more than just spices and silks, they also brought back the hijab which was then modified into the wimple and became the must-have head wear for queens and nuns alike.

Why We Love Fair Trade

As a weaver, I understand more than ever how important fair trade is to keeping textile traditions alive around the world.

Washing Dos and Don’ts

Did you know that common laundry detergents and softeners might be harming your handwovens? Here’s the scoop on how to wash your cloth better.

Handwoven and Little Looms 2023 Editorial Calendars

We have developed themes for the five issues of Handwoven 2023 and four issues of Easy Weaving with Little Looms 2023. Here they are.

Fiddle with Your Selvedges

Messy selvedges are the bane of many a weaver, new and experienced alike. What is a weaver to do? Will they work out eventually on their own?

A Weaver’s Carol: The 12 Delays of Weaving

Today we’re revisiting this weaver’s carol originally published in 2012. We think it’s a theme most of us can relate to: falling in love.

Media Picks from Handwoven September-October 2021

Learn about the latest and greatest weaving books with Handwoven's Media Picks department. Here's what we reviewed for the September/October 2021 issue.

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