
Homage to Africa Scarf

Anita Osterhaug is taken by West African textiles and shows her appreciation in her Homage to Africa Scarf. Anita used traditional colors and a 4-shaft twill to honor African kilims and applied a simple block-print design inspired by bogolonfini prints.

Wavelets Rep-Weave Table Runner

Lucienne Coifman wowed us with her Wavelets Rep-Weave Table Runner woven on 8-shafts. Rep weave as we know it has straight lines, but Lucienne, through a smart use of thin weft picks, was able to break those lines and make them wavy. You might think you k

Rigid-heddle Play the Angles Poncho

Deborah Jarchow placed two strips of plain-weave fabric on the diagonal to construct her clever and playful Play the Angles Poncho with the fold-down collar. You don’t need a big loom for this project; the two strips can be woven on a 12” rigid-heddle loom

Pin-Striped Pin-Loom Pillow

Deborah Bagley found booklets from the mid-1900s that feature pin loom weaving patterns that are anything but plain. She based her Pin-Striped Pin-Loom Pillow on float patterns she found that add texture, and then she added colors to enhance that texture.

Prayer Shawl

For many of us, 2017 was a difficult year. Sarah H. Jackson turned to her loom to express her feelings about personal trials and tragedies affecting our nation and the world. The result is her Prayer Shawl woven in 4-shaft shadow weave.

Ask Madelyn: Back to Front vs Front to Back

I typically warp my loom front to back. However, lately I've been planning some projects that require much longer warps (8+ yards). I was told that if you are planning a long warp that it is best to warp a floor loom back to front because it allows you to

In Praise of Cultural Appreciation

In the Endnotes from the March/April 2018 issue of Handwoven, Anita gives her thoughts on Cultural Appropriation vs Cultural Appreciation. —Christina

Doublewidth Project? How to Avoid Weft Buildup on Doublewide Blankets

I admire people who are able to read a doubleweave draft and know what the fabric will look like. I’m not in that group. When I start a doubleweave or doublewidth project, I have to go to my library and reacquaint myself with the structure.

Hapkins (Happy Napkins)

Yellow has been known to be a little difficult to work with, in part because it has such a light value even in its most saturated form. But it's waywardness is also what makes it such a charming, pop color. So I have embraced yellow.

Fastening Your Warp: How to Tie onto the Front of a Loom

Whether you weave on a multishaft loom or a rigid-heddle loom, you need to have some way of fastening your warp to the cloth beam.