
Idea Gallery: Using a Warp as a Blank Canvas

One way to design with multiple colors is to start with a neutral base and add colors to it but it helps to have a plan.

Notes from the Fell: A Stash of Memories

We all have cones and skeins of yarn that have stories that make them too special to use in just any project.

A Handwoven Chasuble and Stole to Thank a Priest

Read how Diane came up with an idea for weaving and sewing a chasuble and stole for a young priest from the region where she lives in Italy. It’s an unusual story, but one worth telling.

Celebrating with Schacht

The Schacht Spindle Company's 50th anniversary party was a fitting celebration for a company that started from the ground up with a simple drop spindle and a primitive loom.

Weaving as Protest

In their new exhibit, IMPACT: Climate Change, members of Tapestry Weavers West (TWW) and Tapestry Weavers in New England (TWiNE) showcase woven works focusing on the artists’ concerns related to climate change and how it affects the natural environment.

Working Out a Weaving Obsession

From towels with randomly spaced raised twill and plain-weave stripes to napkins with a more complex repeat of raised twill and plain-weave stripes, I had to design and weave the same structure multiple times to fully understand it.

The Romantic Weaving Movie

Weaving is missing from the romantic movie genre. We need to fix that.

Italian Silk Noil: A Textured Silk Road

Long, lustrous fibers define the usual description of silk. Defying tradition, GIST Yarn & Fiber’s Italian Silk Noil travels a different road to warm, soft, textured fabrics.

Repair Heddles: Stop Twisting Yourself into a Pretzel!

There are several ways to make repair heddles. Here are a few you might want to add to your repertoire.

Sorry, Not Sari

Indian fashion is far more than just saris. Learn about a few of the other Indian garments you might see in movies or read about in books.