
Weaving Through Time

Christina contemplates how back issues of Handwoven still inspire her today.

Listening to Your Loom

At some point, won't intuition take over while you are weaving?

The Way We Were

Linda Ligon looks back at the early years of Handwoven.

The Quest for Weaving Perfection

No matter how long we’ve been weaving, there’s always something new to learn, some new reason to shout, “Eureka!”

License to Twill

I love twills. What most people don’t realize is that twills are all around us: from our denim jeans to stunning tartan fabrics woven in a technically precise 2/2 twill to high-tech fabrics that can be molded into three-dimensional shapes.

Texturize Your Weaving

Here is Dianne telling about her journey to discover how to weave crimp cloth.

Legacies of Cloth

The March/April 2013 issue of Handwoven is all about traditions in cloth.

Weaving Expectations

Sometimes less is more, especially during the holiday season.