What is the best way to start/end a weft? At the beginning of a project, the end of a project, and when you run out of weft and start a new one?
How do rigid-heddle looms differ from multishaft looms? What types of projects can you weave on a rigid-heddle loom?
What's the best approach to weaving a coverlet when you have a narrow loom?
I recently saw some blankets for sale with a really broad version herringbone, a kind of magnified or giant herringbone with each stripe several threads thick. Could you please explain how (or if!) I might re-create this on a 16-shaft loom?
What are the advantages of an end-feed shuttle over a boat shuttle? Are they worth purchasing?
There isn’t a specific tie-up and treadling order for doublewide weaving; it depends on your threading (the weave structure you are producing, and the way you choose to assign the shafts to the layers).
The yarns are beautiful to look at and wonderful to pet, I’m not sure how to use them in weaving (or if I even can use them in weaving) so that their best traits will shine and I won’t end up with a mess. Any suggestions on weaving with thick singles?
Is there any way to achieve straight selvedges using weft yarns that shrink differently?
What is the best way of calculating the yardage for weft yarns used in a woven project in overshot? Is there some kind of formula to apply that would give an accurate estimate?
Which works better, warping sticks or paper for packing your warp?