Madelyn van der Hoogt

Madelyn van der Hoogt


Ask Madelyn: Fringe Lengths

Plan for your fringe while the piece is still on the loom.

Ask Madelyn: Tying on a Warp

My sett is 48 epi (4/dent in a 12-dent reed). I’m worried that if I just tie one thread to each one of the four threads hanging from each dent without taking them in their exact order, they will be twisted when I start trying to wind the warp.

Ask Madelyn: Heavy Shafts

Raising four shafts with every treadle makes the treadling very heavy. Is there anything that you can think of that would make it easier to treadle?

Ask Madelyn: Color-and-Weave Defined

Are color-and-weave and shadow weave weave structures?

Ask Madelyn: Determining Warp Length

How much more length do you need to add to a warp to weave eight towels instead of four?

Ask Madelyn: A Plain Weave Border Around Twill

Learn how to surround a twill blanket with a plain weave border using six shafts.

Ask Madelyn: Friction and Fraying Threads

Could the reed with small dents cause warp ends to break?

Ask Madelyn: Sett and Supplementary Warps

How do you calculate sett when you are using a supplementary warp?

Ask Madelyn: Converting Rigid-Heddle Projects

Is it possible to weave rigid-heddle projects on a multishaft loom? What do you need to know?

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