Ask Madelyn: A Fun Poem of Weaving Terms

We all know that weaving terminology is confusing. One beginning weaver wrote a poem about all the weaving terms she learned at The Weavers' School!

Madelyn van der Hoogt Feb 15, 2018 - 2 min read

Ask Madelyn: A Fun Poem of Weaving Terms Primary Image

Photo Credit: George Boe

This week, I wanted to share a piece that a student wrote about weaving terminology at the end of her Weaving I class at The Weavers’ School. —Madelyn

Things I Learned at The Weavers’ School

A reed doesn’t just grow in a swamp.

A tabby isn’t just a kind of cat.

A beater isn’t just for making eggs.


Sleying isn’t just something you do to a dragon.

A castle isn’t just where a princess lives.

Baby wolves don’t just come from mommy wolves.

A draft isn’t just a cold beer.

A profile isn’t just what someone looks like from the side.

A pick-up doesn’t just happen in a bar.

Tying one on doesn’t always lead to a hangover.

Crosses aren’t just in churches.


A cone doesn’t just come with ice cream in it.

A shot isn’t just something you get at the doctor’s office.

A shed isn’t just where you keep your gardening tools.

A temple isn’t just a place of worship.

A shuttle isn’t just a bus to the airport.

A gamp isn’t just a mythical creature you might find in a fantasy tale.

A choke isn’t just something that happens when Madelyn or Suzie takes you to a new loom and reviews the weaving instructions.

—Krista Richey

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