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Learn by Doing: Network Drafting

Learn about network drafting and also get a great pattern for some beautiful towels in this free download for All Access Subscribers.

Handwoven Editors Nov 1, 2023 - 2 min read

Learn by Doing: Network Drafting  Primary Image

Three twill towels based on the same networked twill draft. Photo by Joe Coca

This is the third in a 3-part series on turned twills on 4 and 8 shafts.

The first in the series "Turned Twills and Color Effects" can be found in Handwoven January/February 2001. That article includes a pattern for three very different looking towels, all woven on the same 4-shaft warp using blocks of 3/1 and 1/3 twill.

Turned twill towels woven on 4-shafts by Alice Schlein. Photo by Joe Coca.

The second article in the series was in Handwoven March/April 2001, and is titled "Turned Twill Color Effects on Eight Shafts". That article also includes a pattern for weaving turned twill towels, but this time on 8 shafts.

Put another warp on your loom, this time on your 8-shaft loom and weave these turned twill towels by Alice Schlein. Photo by Joe Coca.

In this last article "Network Drafting: Turned Twills on Eight Shafts" by Alice Schlein, learn about network drafting and then weave a set of three 8-shaft towels putting what you learned to work. This article is a web-only article. It wasn't in Handwoven and is offered here for All Access subscribers.

Use the buttons below to access all three articles and then go to the Handwoven Library to find their associated WIFs.

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