We didn't have room in the January/February 2022 issue of Handwoven to include the project at a glance informatoin and the draft for Malynda Allen's Majestic Beauty Runner that matches her placemats. Here is the pdf download for that project.
Here is the pdf download for Malynda Allen's Majestic Beauty Runner shown in Handwoven January/February 2022
Malynda Allen's Majestic Beauty Table Runner woven in Overshot-Patterned Doubleweave is fully reversible and woven on 4 shafts! Photo by Matt Graves
We didn't have room in the January/February 2022 issue of Handwoven to include the project at a glance informatoin and the draft for Malynda Allen's Majestic Beauty Runner that matches her placemats. Here is the pdf download for that project.