Embrace the Power of Repetition with Weaving Videos

People often say they learn best by hearing or seeing, but I believe we can all agree that learning by doing is the very best.

Susan E. Horton Dec 19, 2017 - 3 min read

Embrace the Power of Repetition with Weaving Videos Primary Image

Repetition is good for learning and for great design. Photo credit: Pixabay

When I taught weaving, I found my students learned best through repetition. That was true whether I showed a technique multiple times or they repeated a process such as winding on, direct-warping a rigid-heddle, or tying on to the front apron rod. I didn’t expect someone to remember how to do something if they only heard how to do it once. This is why I think weaving videos should be part of every weaver’s library.

People often say they learn best by hearing or seeing, but I believe we can all agree that learning by doing is the very best. The problem is, it isn’t always easy to find a weaving class that fits into your schedule, is close to your home, and covers a subject that interests you. In addition, because of space constraints, many weaving workshops cover weaving theory rather than hands-on weaving, and you still have to practice on your own, at home, without the benefit of muscle memory through repetition or a teacher to show you how to do something.

weaving videos

Laura Fry’s Rainbow Scarf, Handwoven January/February 2004 Photo Credit: Joe Coca

Weaving videos fill the space between learning on your own and sitting in a workshop or class with a loom while following a teacher’s instructions. Throughout my weaving career, I’ve watched many videos both alone and with other weavers. I have been a weaver for more than 20 years, but I continue to learn tips when watching a video such as Laura Fry’s The Efficient Weaver or Tom Knisely’s Weaving with Rags.

weaving videos

Madelyn van der Hoogt’s Deflected Doubleweave Bumpy Scarf. Photo credit: Joe Coca

In particular, I find that I often need a refresher when I tackle certain weave structures such as deflected doubleweave. Luckily, I don’t have to look for a class. I can just start the Madelyn van der Hoogt’s* Weaving Deflected Doubleweave* video, pour myself a cup of coffee, grab paper and a pencil, and sit back and relax, knowing I can rewatch anything I don’t get the first time around.

Repetition is the key to learning. Check out our weaving videos, and I think you will agree.

Weave well,
