Threading both structures requires only six shafts, while treadling options depend on the twill.
It‘s okay to carry multiple wefts along the selvedges—Madelyn is strongly in favor of doing so, and has a few tricks to ease the process!
Points to consider when you step up from paper to sticks.
What yarns and structures make for towels that are thirsty—and speedy to weave?
Any tips for getting under the loom as we age?
Three basic factors affect drape: yarn/fiber, weave structure, and warp/weft density. How can you design fabric with the drape you want?
I'm trying to use a skeleton tie-up on my countermarch loom for a 4-shaft huck-lace draft but it's not working. Help!
Is it possible to use a skeleton tie-up on a countermarch loom? Sometimes. Madelyn shows how to tie up your treadles for an 8-shaft skeleton summer and winter tie-up.
How can you tell whether a fabric was woven inwoven in overshot and tied overshot?
Sometimes the relationship between the warp color order and the weaving draft isn't obvious and you have to read them carefully to understand their connection. Madelyn explains how.