Susan E. Horton

Susan E. Horton


Pin-Striped Pin-Loom Pillow

Deborah Bagley found booklets from the mid-1900s that feature pin loom weaving patterns that are anything but plain. She based her Pin-Striped Pin-Loom Pillow on float patterns she found that add texture, and then she added colors to enhance that texture.

Prayer Shawl

For many of us, 2017 was a difficult year. Sarah H. Jackson turned to her loom to express her feelings about personal trials and tragedies affecting our nation and the world. The result is her Prayer Shawl woven in 4-shaft shadow weave.

Doublewidth Project? How to Avoid Weft Buildup on Doublewide Blankets

I admire people who are able to read a doubleweave draft and know what the fabric will look like. I’m not in that group. When I start a doubleweave or doublewidth project, I have to go to my library and reacquaint myself with the structure.

Fastening Your Warp: How to Tie onto the Front of a Loom

Whether you weave on a multishaft loom or a rigid-heddle loom, you need to have some way of fastening your warp to the cloth beam.

How to Know When to Unweave: Getting the Dog Off Your Loom

How do you know when it’s time to cut out or unweave? Here are some of the signs I’ve come to recognize. For some reason, I am not reluctant to cut out or unweave due to a threading or treadling error, but I struggle with an error in judgment or design.

Valentine’s Day Drafts and WIFs for Weavers

I’m sure there are many more ways to weave hearts, but perhaps these downloadable Valentine’s Day WIFs will get you started.

How Long Did it Take You to Weave This Scarf?

I once answered the question of how long it took me to weave this scarf without considering all of the points listed here.

7 Things I Hate About Weaving

I say I love weaving, but there are a few things about it I’m not crazy about.

Did You Look for Weaving or Did Weaving Look for You?

Do you think you found weaving because you were looking for it, or did weaving find you because it saw you were missing something in your life?

Learning to Weave on an Inkle Loom is Totally Worth it

For the first 9 months of my time as editor of Handwoven, I passed an inkle loom every day on the way to my desk. It really bugged me. Someone had warped it with icky, thin yellow yarn and woven about 2 inches with the same yarn.

From the Library

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