Madelyn van der Hoogt

Madelyn van der Hoogt


Ask Madelyn: Best Way to Tie Treadles

I usually tie up the treadles the way the tie-up in the article shows them. This often seems to mean that the tabby treadles are tied up on the left side and therefore I need to use my left foot for both of them.

Ask Madelyn: Structures for Acrylic Baby Blankets

I would like to use up this yarn by weaving baby blankets for a local Project Linus chapter.

Ask Madelyn: Rule of Thumb for Using a Paddle

When you were demonstrating using the paddle, I couldn’t tell when you moved it up or when you moved it down for sure.

Ask Madelyn: Choosing the Right Dent for Your EPI

If I want 30 epi in my warp and I have the choice of an 8-, 12-, or 15-dent reed, which is the best?

Ask Madelyn: 16/2 versus 8/2 Cottolin

I would like to know if 16/2 cottolin is a good choice of yarn for warp? I have used 8/2 cottolin, but not the finer 16/2.

Ask Madelyn: Counting Heddles

Madelyn gives advice for counting heddles.

Ask Madelyn: Reasons for a Broken Warp at the Edge

When I break a warp thread during weaving, it is always the thread on the far right (no matter if it is a floating selvedge or the first thread in the draft).

Ask Madelyn: Substitutions for 10/2 Unmercerized Cotton

What can I substitute for 10/2 unmercerized cotton? Madelyn has the answers!

Ask Madelyn: Tie-Ups and Marguerite Davison

I am weaving some table napkins using a diamond pattern, Periwinkle from Marguerite Davison's A Handweaver's Pattern Book, and I find that the pattern comes out face down, i.e., upside down.

Ask Madelyn: Beaming Warps

When beaming warps, I understand a lot of weavers like to use water-filled recycled plastic bottles with handles as weights. Can you suggest another thing that can be used as a weight?

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