Madelyn van der Hoogt

Madelyn van der Hoogt


Ask Madelyn: Determining Sett: When Warp Doesn't Match Weft

Madelyn gives advice on how to figure out sett when your warp and weft are two different sizes.

Ask Madelyn: Tying on One Warp to Another

I think it is much easier to tie on a new warp to an already threaded one than to start over. It takes less time, and any errors are very unlikely to occur.

Ask Madelyn: Wall Display Woes

What is the best way to display textiles? Madelyn has some ideas!

Ask Madelyn: End-Feed vs Boat Shuttles

Which is better, end-feed or boat shuttles?

Ask Madelyn: Mystery Weft Floats Explained

Unwanted weft floats can be avoided if the warp ends are resting on the shuttle race.

Ask Madelyn: Tension Issues

I have only been weaving for a short time and have a horrible time with tension. Is warping either front to back or back to front better for controlling tension?

Ask Madelyn: Ergonomic Weaving

How should your body and loom be positioned for ergonomic weaving?

Ask Madelyn: Warped and Twisted

I just wound a linen warp of 35/2 linen and the threads were quite twisted as I sleyed, threaded, and beamed the warp. What was I doing wrong?

Ask Madelyn: Overshot Obstacles

I'm weaving overshot and my pattern is coming out elongated. Help!

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