Madelyn van der Hoogt

Madelyn van der Hoogt


Ask Madelyn: A Problematic Plaid

Madelyn talks a weaver through a particularly problematic plaid project.

Ask Madelyn: Wooly Lace for Huck Throws

I'm trying to weave huck-lace throws. What I'm looking for is a light and lacy look. What I'm getting are really nice throws, but there are no lacy holes and what you see is the pattern created by floats. Help!

Ask Madelyn: Twisted Warps

Madelyn helps a weavers whose warp is full of twisted threads.

Ask Madelyn: Bobbins, Selvedges, and a Trapeze

Why do tightly wound bobbins make for selvedges? Madelyn has the answers!

Ask Madelyn: Determining Sett for Deflected Doubleweave

How does one figure out the appropriate sett for doubleweave?

Ask Madelyn: A Warping Dilemma

For doublecloth, is it better to weave front-to-back or back-to-front?

Ask Madelyn: Chenille Fringe Frustrations

Finishing a chenille scarf with fringe is one option but there are caveats. Hemming is another option. Madelyn explains.

Ask Madelyn: Scrap Yarn Spreaders and Draw-In

I like to tie the warp onto the apron rod in small groups (a half inch of warp width or less), and then just start weaving, using the yarn that will be used in the project. The first half inch of weaving will do the job of aligning the warp threads,

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