Several readers weigh in with their own experiences with fulling in front-loading washing machines.
I have been trying to follow the directions you give in Warping Your Loom for winding 2 ends with an individual cross, but the 2 threads keep ending up twisting around each other. I can’t quite follow your movements in the video. Can you help?
I’m working my way through your Block Weaves video, and I have a couple of questions.
Is there a trick for preventing the tangles when warping multiple yarns per dent?
When I press a treadle all of the shafts want to raise, and I have to push the two that are not supposed to raise down and hold them down as I throw the pick. What do I do?
As Anita finds out, the desire for neat selvedges is a universal one among weavers.
was wondering if there is a way to fix a missed stitch in weaving? My shed didn’t open far enough and a couple of warp threads didn’t catch properly. I think I heard somewhere that these can be fixed, can you help me?