Madelyn van der Hoogt

Madelyn van der Hoogt


Ask Madelyn: A Slanted Fell, Continued

A slanted fell can be caused by many things, not just tension. You have to watch your process to find its cause.

Ask Madelyn: Using Texsolv Cords on Apron Rods

How do you attach apron rods with texsolv cords?

Ask Madelyn: Using Tabby

The direction “use tabby” can be confusing. Madelyn explains what it means.

A Weaver and a Heritage

If you want to know a culture, look at its cloth. The materials and tools speak to us of place, and the designs handed down the generations tell us the stories of a people.

Ask Madelyn: Using a Warp Color Order Chart

Learn how to read a warp color order chart.

Ask Madelyn: 8-Shaft Tie Up

What's the best tie-up for an 8-shaft loom?

Ask Madelyn: Advice on Buying a "Dream Loom"

What is the best size loom to buy? And how many shafts do you need?

Ask Madelyn: Using an End-Feed Shuttle

What are some tips for using an end-feed shuttle?

Ask Madelyn: Fringe and Hemstitching

I hemstitched my project, but I am not sure if this is stable enough unless I allow for fringing. I do not really want fringe so would it be better for me to fold in the ends and machine stitch them?

Ask Madelyn: Shrinking Placemats

If two placemats are woven to the same length why is one shorter than the other? Madelyn makes an educated guess.

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