Madelyn van der Hoogt

Madelyn van der Hoogt


Ask Madelyn: Centering the Warp

How important is centering the warp? It is OK to split patterns in the middle?

Ask Madelyn: Copyright and Weaving Patterns

If someone makes a project from Handwoven and then puts it in a guild sale, is that against the law? If the fiber, color or size is altered, then is it acceptable?

Ask Madelyn: Block Weaves vs Unit Weaves

Why is 4-shaft Ms & Os considered a block weave but not a unit weave?

Ask Madelyn: Broken Warp Threads

Why do my selvedges keep breaking? Help!

Ask Madelyn: Warping for Rep-Weave

When you have multiple ends in a dent how do you keep them from twisting around each other?

Come Darkness, Come Light

Linda, Madelyn and Anita reflect on New Years.

Ask Madelyn: A Brittle Selvedge

Why would one selvedge end break but not the other? Is it the weight on it?

Ask Madelyn: A Strange Selvedge

Does it matter if the edge thread is up or down when you go into the shed with your shuttle?

Ask Madelyn: Transferring the Cross

But I only have a 12-dent reed and I needed a 24 epi sett, so I would have to put two threads in each dent. How would I then know which thread comes from which side of the cross so that I can thread the heddles in the correct order?

Ask Madelyn: Threading Dents and Heddles

I read the patterns for a project and one of the things that confuses me is, say you have a 12-dent reed and you are told to put two ends in a dent to make it 24 ends. Now what do you do with these when it comes to putting them through the heddles?

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