Madelyn van der Hoogt

Madelyn van der Hoogt


Ask Madelyn: Warping Sticks

How often do you need to insert warping sticks in a warp as you wind it on your loom?

Ask Madelyn: Apron Rods: Metal vs Wood

What type of apron rod is best? Madelyn discusses their merits.

Ask Madelyn: Advice for Weaving Students

Here are three tips Madelyn gives her weaving students.

Ask Madelyn: Choke Tie Distance

How far from the cross should you make your first choke tie?

Ask Madelyn: Dealing with Loose Ends

When your shuttle runs out , how do you change wefts?

Ask Madelyn: Doubleweave Pick-Up

For doubleweave, you can consider a single dark/light pair as the smallest number of threads in a pattern/background choice.

Ask Madelyn: Floating Selvedges and Twill

What's the best way to handle floating selvedges when weaving twill?

Ask Madelyn: Cutting a Warp Off the Warping Board

What's the best way to cut a multicolored warp off of a warping board?

Ask Madelyn: Weaving a Coverlet with Eight Shafts

The problem is that the snowball and pine tree design is a 5-block design. Summer and winter and doubleweave are both weaves that can produce it, but they don’t require the same number of shafts per block.

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