Madelyn van der Hoogt

Madelyn van der Hoogt


Ask Madelyn: Sleying

Is there an easy way to sley two, three, or four different warps (hand-dyed) together?

Ask Madelyn: Finishing

Wet finishing requires using common sense and keeping a close eye on the process. Here are some other tips from Madelyn.

Ask Madelyn: Proper Sett

Two yarns may look similar in grist but in reality they are very different and need to be sett differently too.

Ask Madelyn: Yarn for Upholstery

What yarn is the best to use for upholstery? Madelyn has some suggestions.

Ask Madelyn: Portee Cross and Porrey Cross

What is the difference between the Portee Cross and Porrey Cross?

Ask Madelyn: Star and Rose Treadling

The terms “star” vs “rose” have most often been applied to the treadling order of blocks in overshot, but they are actually also used with other block weaves, particularly in traditional doubleweave coverlets and damask tablecloths.

Ask Madelyn: Doublewidth

Is there a good method to use when warping warps that change colors frequently?

Ask Madelyn: Weft Angle

The optimum weft angle depends most on two factors: the width of the piece and the weave structure.

Ask Madelyn: Floating Shafts

Usually, when shafts float on a jack loom it is because there are so many treadles tied to raise that particular shaft that their combined weight is causing the shaft to go up even though you aren’t stepping on the treadles tied to it.

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