Madelyn van der Hoogt

Madelyn van der Hoogt


Ask Madelyn: Where to Put Floating Selvedge

If you have a choice between sleying your floating selvedge in a dent by itself or with another thread, what should you do?

Ask Madelyn: The Loose Sett Blues

Madelyn explains how to know if you're weaving at the wrong sett and whether or not you need to re-beam if your sett is too loose. 

Ask Madelyn: Troublesome Treadle Ties

Madelyn explains how to use Texsolv cord to create treadle ties for a weaver who is tired of her treadle chains snapping mid-weave.

The History of Air Conditioning and the Textile Industry

The history of air conditioning was nearly cut short by a health trend of the day, but here's how it spread from the textile industry to homes and schools.

Ask Madelyn: Matching the Warping Method to the Project

There's no right answer for how to warp a loom. Warping a loom front to back might be right for one project, back to front for another. Here's why.

Minimalism and Crafting: Irreconcilable?

Minimalism, living with less, is gaining momentum. Is minimalist living compatible with crafting? Or is there no such thing as a minimalist yarn stash?

What Not to Do: or How to Fail at Business Without Really Trying

A Handwoven contributor shares her experience starting a fiber arts business, and the unanticipated factors that caused her business to fail.

Ask Madelyn: Correcting Tension

I'm having a problem with my warp tension. Are there any weaving techniques that allow you to correct warp tension once you've already started weaving?

Ask Madelyn: Calculating Yarn

I'm searching for a weaving project yarn calculation. How much yarn do I need to weave a project?

Medieval Weaving Techniques Brought To Life with Little Looms

The Society for Creative Anachronism researches and recreates medieval weaving techniques, often using little looms to make period garments and gear.

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