I wound 2 ends of 8/2 unmercerized cotton and 1 end of 20/2 pearl cotton together. Now I am having all sorts of tension issues with the ends twisted together.
I am weaving a huck-lace cloth in 8/2 Tencel that has window frames of plain weave surrounding squares of huck lace. I am experiencing two problems: loose threads and a wavy fell line.
Why do selvedge threads break more on a floor loom than on a table loom?
Reducing draw-in will also prevent your selvedge ends from fraying, but how do you do it?
You see a project you really love, but you don’t have the right yarns. You could order them, but you want to start weaving today. Here are some tips for using the yarns you have.
So you’ve warped the loom and you’ve started to weave. Uh-oh, something is not right. You check, and sure enough, one thread is on the wrong shaft.
Madelyn started weaving on a backstrap loom and didn't move to weaving on a mulitshaft loom until much later. Read about her journey.
Bumberet, Velveret, and Thickset are three related weave structures that produce fabrics with interesting texture. All three invite experimentation with colors and yarns
What causes a false cross when winding warp and how do you deal with it?
How much yarn do I need for weaving projects, and how do I calculate it? Does my choice of weaving yarn make a difference?