Madelyn van der Hoogt

Madelyn van der Hoogt


Ask Madelyn: Pros and Cons of Rigid Heddle vs Shaft Looms

I have a rigid heddle, but I've seen many other kinds of looms. What are differences between those looms and mine, besides size? What are the pros and cons?

Ask Madelyn: What Does "Weaving to Square" Mean?

A weaving friend of mine just came back from a workshop where she said the hardest part was weaving to square. What is that, and why is it important?

Ask Madelyn: Tied Overshot Draft

I was reading your article on Tied Overshot from Handwoven, and it doesn't look like the drawdown and treadling match in Figure 2, page 16.

Ask Madelyn: Testing for Colorfastness

Is there a way to test yarn for color fastness?

Ask Madelyn: Unsure of How to Use a Temple

The temple will keep the warp threads parallel to each other so that the reed doesn’t rub on them.

Ask Madelyn: Using a Temple

I have read in various places that you recommend using a temple (stretcher) as a means of getting good selvedges.

Ask Madelyn: Advancing the Temple

In a recent Ask Madelyn, you talked about temples. Did you really mean to say that you advance the temple every three quarters of an inch?

Ask Madelyn: When to Use a Temple

When is a temple the most useful? Is it necessary?

Ask Madelyn: Temple Instructions

When and how do you insert a temple? They don't come with instructions!

Ask Madelyn: Choosing a Temple to Use in Weaving

There are some reasons to choose one temple over the other, but none are really “right” or “wrong.”

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