Madelyn gives a clever trick for dealing with changing weft colors multiple times throughout a weaving.
Winding a warp with lots of colors, especially in a complex pattern, can be an awkward process. Madelyn explains the easiest way to do it.
Madelyn shares her tips for yarn substitutions when you can't or don't want to use the yarn specified in your weaving patterns.
I have a pattern that I’d like to use that calls for 8/2 cotton. However, my best quality cotton is 22/2. What substitutions do I have to make in terms of ends per inch, reed size, etc?
Here is a dilemma: I have inherited several cones of two different yarns and would like to make a table runner, but I'm not confident in how to approach it.
I am weaving a small table runner using 3/2 pearl cotton for warp and weft (red and green in the warp, white in the weft). I used a draft (#479, page 129) from Carol Strickler's A Weaver's Book of 8-Shaft Patterns, which I've modified a little.
I'm having a warp tension problem. After weaving a while, the edge warp threads are very tight and the center very loose, but all were even when I started.
I have just wound a warp that took way too long to wind and I'm wondering if there is a better way.
I am weaving a silk scarf in huck lace and noticed that about four inches back I had made a serious treadling error. What can I do?