Christina Garton

Christina Garton


The Season for Handwoven Scarves

While there's no wrong season for handwoven scarves, something about winter makes weaving scarves just that much more fun!

Weaving Towels and Traditions

What better way to celebrate winter and all the holidays it brings then by weaving towels? 

Beautiful Baby Wrap Patterns to Weave

These beautiful handwoven baby wrap patterns are sure to delight any baby wearer, and they can be used to weave baby blankets, too!

The Efficient Weaver

Laura Fry is an efficient weaver which is different from one that hurries to get done. Read about her approach to weaving.

Learning the Language of Looms

A love of tea towels inspires Christina's first project on her 8-shaft loom.

Color Your World

Combining colors is like alchemy, with some combinations bringing out the best in each other and others bringing out the worst.

The Story of a Scarf

Christina turned to Handwoven when she needed a recipe for a scarf for her husband.

Endless Possibility and Pinwheels

When I put on a long warp I try to choose drafts that let me play with tie-up, treadling, weft color, and even sett to create many different designs and projects all on the same warp.

For Every Yarn There is a Project

Yarn is both the weaver's best friend and our sometimes enemy. When we use it correctly and play nice, together we can create just about anything our hearts desire. When we use the wrong yarn or when we mistreat our yarns, bad things can happen.

The Pure Joy of Weaving

Christina espouses the joys of working on small looms as she prepares to move to a new home and new state.

From the Library

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