Christina Garton

Christina Garton


In Praise of Weaving Teachers, Part 1

For good reason, Joyce Robards won one of the 2016 Handwoven Weaving Teacher of the Year awards.

Summer and Winter: A Weave for All Season

Summer and winter is a versatile reversible weave that you may want to try.

Looms in Unexpected Places

Imagine my surprise when I suddenly found myself surrounded by beautiful, antique looms all of which were warped and most of which had partial projects on them. I was in absolute awe as I walked around each loom and recognized more than a few.

New eBook of Baby Wrap Designs

Handwoven is proud to present a brand new eBook of original woven baby wrap designs. 

The Little Loomhouse

Planning a trip to Kentucky? Make sure to stop by the Little Loomhouse!

Weaving in Braille

A special loom helps the blind learn Braille.

Weaving Through Time

Christina contemplates how back issues of Handwoven still inspire her today.

Listening to Your Loom

At some point, won't intuition take over while you are weaving?

Legacies of Cloth

The March/April 2013 issue of Handwoven is all about traditions in cloth.

The Season for Handwoven Scarves

While there's no wrong season for handwoven scarves, something about winter makes weaving scarves just that much more fun!

From the Library

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