Christina Garton

Christina Garton


Weaving at Age 104

Need some weaving inspiration today? Check out this amazing weaver who is 104 years old! She will certainly inspire you to keep learning and improving.

Why Not Try Novelty Yarns

Christina shares her fascination with novelty yarns. Though not usually used for weaving, they can be weaving yarns if you know how to use them!

Finding Your Summer Weaving Inspiration

Christina shares her inspiration for weaving this summer: textiles of India. This summer, let your weaving projects be inspired with color and texture too!

Handwoven Runners and Sacred Spaces

Christina shares her insights on the importance of handwoven table runners in a historical and cultural context. Get inspired for your next runner project!

Sakiori Weaving: A Legacy of Weaving with Rags

Learn about the history of sakiori weaving and how it relates to modern-day rag weaving.

Weavable, Washable Silk

Wondering how to wash silk handwovens? There were no dry cleaners in ancient Japan and China – here's how they did it, and how you can too!

How to Expand Your Weaving Comfort Zone

Setting your aim higher than your ability is a recipe for burnout. Here's how to set yourself up for success while expanding your weaving comfort zone!

Letting the Sun In: The Textiles of Marian Clayden

The musical 'Hair' owes its unique esthetic to designer Marian Clayden, but her unique textiles had an even wider impact on art, fashion, and culture.

Slip Stitch Tutorial

The slip stitch lets you join two folded pieces of fabric in a way that makes the stitch nearly invisible. It's easy once you know how to do it!

Combing the Shelves for Inspiration

Christina finds inspiration for handwoven dish towels when she returns to her bookshelf. You never know what will strike your eye on the second pass! 

From the Library

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