Recently we took our first real trip as a family. We wanted to spend a cool weekend in Colorado, bookended by stops in Santa Fe. Traveling through New Mexico you never know what you’ll find: women selling freshly made tamales outside of gas station; centuries old tiny churches filled with gorgeous bultos, retablos, and other works of religious art; and, of course, weaving studios.
After taking a wrong turn while searching for a brewery just outside of Taos, we found ourselves driving through Dixon, New Mexico and driving past Metier Weaving and Gallery. Naturally, we had to stop to see what wonders might greet us when we walked in the door.
The entry into the weaving studio.
Housed in a historic building known by locals as the Rock House, the first room was a gallery filled with various types of fine art. Then, through an entryway capped with colorful flags was the weaving studio. As we walked into the studio we were greeted by a gorgeous handwoven rug dedicated to the once common and now coveted sleeping beauty turquoise. From there we met the weaver and owner Ai Smith.
Ai Smith, happily talking with Christina about weaving, the town of Dixon, and chubby baby thighs.
I told Ai I was a weaver so we had a delightful chat about our looms and our favorite things to weave as the baby happily stared at the looms and I happily handled the gorgeous handweaving on display. I mentioned to Ai that I wanted to give inkle weaving a go and without a moment’s hesitation, she offered me the inkle loom sitting on her shelf. She’d been given the inkle loom a while ago and never used it, and in true weaverly fashion, she wanted to make sure it got to a good home.
Baby H watches in wonder as Ai works at her loom.
I took the loom and thanked her, and made a mental note to make the town of Dixon a stop next time we head north so we could check out the local historical buildings, the food, and, of course, more of Ai’s weaving. Now that I’m home I’m going to find my copy of Inkle Weaving A to Z so I can learn how to warp the loom and get started weaving.
With the baby, inkle weaving is definitely more my speed at the moment, although after being inspired both by Ai’s gorgeous rug and Tom Knisely’s videos, I might eventually get the big loom warped up and give rug weaving a try. One of the many reasons I love visiting weaving studios is how much they inspire my own work: they make me want to try new projects, techniques, and structures. It’s the same reason I love our videos, too. It gives me a chance to spend some time in another weaver’s studio and learn all about their inspiration and weaving techniques. So while I’m waiting for my next trip up north, I’m happy that until then I can weave on my new inkle loom and think fondly of my accidental stop in Dixon.
Happy Weaving! Christina