Weekend Weaving: Weave a Scarf Over a Weekend

Get out your rigid-heddle loom if you need a warm scarf in a hurry.

Susan E. Horton Oct 17, 2017 - 2 min read

Weekend Weaving: Weave a Scarf Over a Weekend Primary Image

Summer Plaid Scarf by Cei Lambert.

Some of you know that I’m living a double life right now. During the week, I edit Handwoven and live in Fort Collins, Colorado. Many weekends, I go back to California, enjoying the sun and Southern California lifestyle, hanging out with friends and family, and visiting my “main” loom. My small apartment in Colorado contains two 8-shaft looms, a table loom and a floor loom. Interweave also houses smaller looms that I can borrow. That’s a good thing, because right now I want to weave a scarf.

Colorado (unlike Southern California) has 4 distinct seasons. This morning I woke up to 41-degree weather and rain. I looked out at the mountains and saw a fresh dusting of snow. I need a scarf. It doesn’t have to be wool—any fiber will do. It has to be a weekend-sized project because during the week, I’m busy with work and not too interested in weaving at night. I could warp up one of my apartment looms, but instead I’m going to borrow a rigid-heddle loom from work and get busy.

For inspiration, I looked to Little Looms 2016. I found Cei Lambert’s beautiful Summer Plaid Scarf in 4 spring colors of Bambu. I don’t have the same yarn, but I do have some cotton that I think will work just as well. I’ll follow Cei’s lead and direct warp the loom. By Monday, I could be wearing my new scarf. Perhaps just in time for sunny skies and 80-degree weather next week!

If you too are looking for weekend weaving projects, consider scarves and your rigid-heddle loom. Direct warping generally takes less time than traditional warping and the thicker yarns weave up quickly. Big projects are fun, but sometimes our lifestyles beg for something simpler and doable over a weekend.

Weave well, Susan