Tintes Naturales Huck Towels

The Syracuse Weavers Guild challenged their members to do just this, and the results were stunning. For her entry, Nancy Smothergill chose to weave huck towels. Here’s what she had to say about the inspiration behind her Tintes Naturales Huck Towels fro

Christina Garton Jul 10, 2018 - 2 min read

Tintes Naturales Huck Towels Primary Image

Nancy Smothergill used her guild’s Tintes Naturales challenge to try new color combinations in her weaving. Photo credit: George Boe

The first time I saw the Tintes Naturales yarns, I fell in love with the bright and beautiful colors and was in awe with what designer Sarah H. Jackson did with them in her Friendship Towels in the September/October 2014 issue. Taking all those colors, as lovely as they are, and turning them into something equally lovely isn’t an easy feat. The Syracuse Weavers Guild challenged their members to do just this, and the results were stunning. For her entry, Nancy Smothergill chose to weave huck towels. Here’s what she had to say about the inspiration behind her Tintes Naturales Huck Towels from the September/October 2018 issue:

Huck Towels

Nancy Smothergill’s inspired Tintes Naturales Huck Towels.

Designer Nancy Smothergill’s Statement

Dish towels are one of my favorite weaving projects because they give me a chance to try different structures and colorplay. I purchased the full Tintes Naturales kit, and my biggest challenge was creating a design using both orange and purple in the same warp. I finally decided to put those colors next to each other and developed something similar to a color gamp towel.

I chose a five-thread huck-lace pattern that has a variety of tie-up and treadling possibilities, but can also produce a pattern of allover warp spots, which I love in these towels.

Happy Weaving! Christina

Project at a Glance

PROJECT TYPE: 4-shaft.

STRUCTURE: Huck lace.

EQUIPMENT: 4-shaft loom, 19" weaving width; 10-dent heddle; 2 shuttles; 9 bobbins.

YARNS: 8/2 unmercerized cotton (3,360 yd/lb; Mayan Hands Dye Project; Cotton Clouds).

OTHER SUPPLIES: Fusible thread; matching sewing thread.