The year 2020 hasn't turned out as many of us anticipated, but you could have a day when some things happen that you don't expect, and it could be perfect. - Susan
Imagine this: the perfect day of weaving, when everything that could go right does go right.
Your spouse, partner, or roommate tells you not to bother with raking the leaves, shoveling the snow, or sweeping the patio. They are in the mood to do it themselves, and you should just take the time to do whatever you want.
Really? It’s not hard to figure out what to do …
You have a draft in mind for a shawl that has 37 ends in each repeat. You want to add borders of 15 ends each, and you sett the shawl at 12 epi. For a 16” shawl off the loom, you want it to be about 18” in the reed or rigid heddle. OMG! Eighteen times 12 equals 216 ends, and with 5 repeats, you’ll have 215 ends! Close enough for any weaving perfectionist!
You check your stash for silk, and lo and behold, you have all 5 colors that you had in mind for the warp and the 2 weft colors you want to use. Check the yardage just to be sure you have enough—and you do. Chalk it up to serendipity.
All of your yarn is already on a cone or in a ball, and warping goes smoothly. Your changes in color work out so that you are able to carry more than one color on each pass, saving you time. Brava!
Yarn already on cones or in balls saves a step. Photo by George Boe
Just as you finish the last pass of 3 of your warp yarns, the cone or ball runs out. What? Were you meaning to stash-bust? Or are you just lucky?
The reed or rigid heddle you need isn’t being used on another project. In fact, it’s already on the loom.
Your warp-separator brown wrapping paper is cut to the right width and rolled up in the corner waiting to be put on the loom. Wow! It isn’t wrinkled or anything, and it goes on straight the first time.
You thread and sley and are just about to tie on, when you notice a little error in your sleying, not in the middle of the warp, as per usual, but right next to the selvedge. A few seconds later, the error is fixed, and you are ready to tie on.
Tying on and tensioning is simple after smooth warping and winding on. You make a note to yourself to keep that in mind for your next project.
Oh, look, there’s a full bobbin or shuttle of one of your weft colors that you wound for a project two years ago. Might as well use it now.
It’s a great day when you can use a full bobbin rather than having to unwind it. Photo by George Boe
As you sit down to weave, the cat gets up from where he was sleeping in your chair or on your bench. Nice and cozy.
After 3 picks of a header, you remember to leave enough unwoven warp for fringe, you remember to write down everything about your project, you remember to attach a template or measuring ribbon, and, finally, you start to weave. Ah …
Once you get your weaving rhythm going, you realize you could use some music. Your playlist starts. Rock on.
Have a wonderful holiday season filled with friends, family, good cheer and a perfect day of weaving—as if any day with weaving isn’t perfect.
Weave well and happy weaving!
Susan and Christina
First published December 2018 Revised December 9, 2020