The Key to Weaving, Now in Living Color

Madelyn van der Hoogt Dec 4, 2015 - 2 min read

The Key to Weaving, Now in Living Color Primary Image

An inkle loom and shuttle ready to weave. Photo by George Boe

This great link was passed on by Mariellen Boss: "Mary Ellouise Black, an occupational therapist, teacher, master weaver and writer, created almost single-handedly a renaissance in crafts in Nova Scotia in the 1940's and 1950's. Her best-known book, The Key to Weaving, was published in 1945 and has since run to 3 editions and numerous printings. Its clarity is without parallel, and, more than half a century later, it remains a handweaver's prime source of information."


When Mary E. Black died in 1988, at age 92, her estate bequeathed to the Atlantic Spinners and Handweavers a hand-made chest containing her collection of superbly woven textile samples along with research notes and correspondence relating to her published works. To keep this unique collection secure and available for study, a permanent home was needed, so the Public Archives of Nova Scotia was approached. Now you can view this collection in an online virtual exhibit mounted by the government of Nova Scotia. You can click on the links below each sample to zoom in for a closer look. And don't miss the virtual exhibit of photos and documents from Mary Black's life. So many of us know her works, and there has been so little information available about her life. This exhibit is a great gift to the weaving community.