
Handwoven March/April 2018

Author Handwoven Editors
Format Magazine

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Weaving is our language. It ties us to the weaving community and gives us a means to express ourselves creatively. The March/April 2018 issue of Handwoven explores how we use cloth to proclaim our family and community origins. The projects in this issue tell stories and honor rituals and customs from cultural groups far and wide.

Sarah H. Jackson’s Prayer Shawl says “Wrap yourself in this hug” while Sandee Jaastad’s placemats welcome you to Chanuka. Angela K. Schneider’s scarf reminisces about Mardi Gras from her time in New Orleans. Other weavers speak about their families, such as Lucienne Coifman with her wavelet rep runner that honors her husband’s work and Nancy Dunlap with an interpretation of her family’s tartan. Deborah Jarchow, Deborah Bagley, and Kathleen Farling all spoke about being part of various weaving communities. Allen Walck’s scarf and Connie Westbrook’s Pool Inspired towels reflect on some of the everyday aspects of life. Lastly, Anita Osterhaug’s scarf honors the traditions of African mud cloth.

Discover the wonderful stories told through cloth in the March/April 2018 issue of Handwoven and start your own conversation using weaving as your language.

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