How to Know When to Unweave: Getting the Dog Off Your Loom

How do you know when it’s time to cut out or unweave? Here are some of the signs I’ve come to recognize. For some reason, I am not reluctant to cut out or unweave due to a threading or treadling error, but I struggle with an error in judgment or design.

Susan E. Horton Feb 15, 2018 - 4 min read

How to Know When to Unweave: Getting the Dog Off Your Loom Primary Image

My bold and randomly striped warp Photo credit: Susan E. Horton

This weekend I’m going to cut out 22 inches of weft in a double-width wool blanket. If all goes well, I will then reweave the same 22 inches with a different weft color. I wove those 22 inches using a light gray weft thinking it would tone down my bold warp, but in fact, it killed it. With great finesse, I talked myself into believing it was ok that the light gray weft was obscuring the cool random stripes I had designed in the reed, and I kept on weaving.


The light gray warp was killing my warp. Photo credit: Susan E. Horton>

When I switched to a dark gray weft that is included in the warp, I realized my mistake. And then I agonized, procrastinated, and argued unsuccessfully with myself that it was fine. I knew I had a dog on the loom, I just wasn’t ready to cut. In my distress, I even employed the little-known strategy of asking a non-weaver friend what she thought, knowing that she would be appalled at the idea of undoing and reweaving 22 inches. Of course she told me it was fine; she’s polite and pragmatic.


Adding dark gray weft showed me the problem with the light weft. Photo credit: Susan E. Horton

How do you know when it’s time to cut out or unweave? Here are some of the signs I’ve come to recognize:

  • Waking up restless at 3 a.m. and worrying about a project
  • Hoping that a different light source will change the appearance the fabric on the loom
  • Not wanting to walk into the room with the loom
  • Sighing audibly when I pass the door of the loom room
  • Wondering if washing it will make it less ugly
  • Asking family and friends in a hopeful voice what they think of my project
  • Writing a blog about the problem

For some reason, I am not reluctant to cut out or unweave due to a threading or treadling error, but I struggle with an error in judgment or design. Thinking back to when I asked my friend her opinion, I realize that the moment I heard her say that 22 inches was too much to redo, I made the decision to cut it out and reweave. I know better than to weave something that doesn’t meet my standards, no matter how long it takes.

Weave well,


P.S. Here’s a picture of the same warp with orange weft. Somewhere along the way, I decided that toning down my warp wasn’t such a great idea. I’m back to weaving!


Using orange weft makes the warp pop! Photo credit: Susan E. Horton