Well, I survived the drive through the canyon, and I'm back from my workshop at the Estes Park Wool Market. I took a two-day class with Susan Wilson on classic crackle. I am amazed at how much you can get out of 4-shafts. Not only did the class weave some very colorful samples in classic crackle, but Susan also taught us how to vary treadling in order to weave overshot, summer and winter, lace, regular twill, polychrome, on opposites, boundweave, swivel, and honeycomb. Phew! It was a lot, and by Sunday afternoon when I had finished washing, drying, ironing, and tagging my sample I felt that good kind of tired.
I was tempted a few times to forsake my huck lace study group and say, "I'm a crackle girl!" However, on a cruise through the vendor barn, I found a huck lace book that I thought was out of print. I quickly bought it and back in my room, I was reminded of my love for huck lace. That being said, I have two floor looms and not a lot of spare time. I'm also strange in that I love warping the loom more than throwing the shuttle. I tend to think about what I'll do next after the first five or six inches are woven. So, I'm thinking why not warp one loom with a huck sampler, and the other with a crackle sampler. I can wind off really long warps and weave away to my heart's content! I'm going to do it, and now that I've stated this publicly, I have made a commitment. It's kind of like entering it into your calendar - it's an appointment!
We would love to hear about your warped summer adventures too!
Here's Margy Altmix, a fellow "crackler. | Here's a peek at some of Margy's wonderful sampling using the various treadling methods on a classic crackle threading. Note the other unidentified happy treadling foot seen through the loom. |